Best Commercial Ligitation Lawyers in California
Our attorneys regularly are called upon to litigate all types of commercial litigation matters, including breaches of contract, partnership disputes, real estate disputes, fraud claims, unfair competition claims, and others.
While other firms often take a routine approach to these matters and litigate cases without much thought, we work with our clients to develop a strategy at the outset of every litigation and make calculated decisions to achieve our desired results. Our philosophy is to be efficient, deliberate and unrelenting in our advocacy.
Bring our award-winning legal team on your side to fight for your rights.

Schedule a free consultation with our team of Commercial Ligitation Lawyers
Our Location
How to get to our office
To get to our office from downtown Los Angeles we recommend the following methods.
Subway -The journey time between downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood is roughly 18 min. It’s operated by Metro Los Angeles, the Los Angeles to Hollywood subway service departs from Civic Center / Grand Park Station and arrives in Hollywood / Vine Station. Normally 524 subways run weekly.
Taxi -The journey time between downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood is roughly 8 min, depending on traffic, and depending on pickup location, is roughly 6.5 miles. Some of the taxi companies in the area are United Taxi, LA City Cab and Rosie Taxi Cab.
Bus -The journey time between downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood is roughly 30 min. It’s operated by Metro Los Angeles, the Los Angeles to Hollywood service departs from Broadway / 1st and arrives in Santa Monica / Bronson. Normally the bus runs run daily.
Car – Driving time from downtown Los Angeles to Hollywood is roughly 10 minutes depending on traffic. On average, parking lots and garages charge $1.00 per hour and $6.00 per day. On street parking costs $1.00 per hour.