It is miserable how many individuals are not aware of how elder abuse is publicly practiced. Notably, elder abuse cases are issues of concern among older populations in California. Elder abuse is known to severely affect one’s mental and physical health, and these familiarities can result in one feeling so overwhelmingly isolated. According to California Law, Under PC 368, felony elder abuse could result in great bodily harm or death.
However, elder abuse can be prevented. Nonetheless, remaining vigilant at all times, and checking on the elders can be instrumental in predicting or noticing the predicaments they might be undergoing. Then is when you shall intervene by ensuring that those causing them misery are accused and stopped with immediate effect. Below are some of the ways that you can protect yourself as well as your loved ones from elder abuse:
- Plan for the future.
Typically, it is said that no one knows what the future holds for anyone. It does not matter how well you are, but you should have a better plan for the later years. Planning for the future involves having a better health plan and financial plan. By doing this, you will have protected yourself from unnecessary inconveniences that may occur in the future. Importantly, elder abuse mainly occurs when caregivers or family are left to control the finances of the elder individuals.
When elder individuals cannot decide what they want and need, an untrusted individual could end up stealing from them and the elder ones without their awareness. To prevent this, it is advisable to have your finances planned well. This makes it easier for anyone else to access your finances with your knowledge. Getting a trusted individual or a family member to help you prepare for your finances is a good choice. Alternatively, since you are entitled to a power of attorney, you can get an attorney who will be helping you with your financial and health decisions.
- Be aware of the signs of elder abuse.
When you know the signs of elder abuse, it is easy to seek help by getting an Elder abuse lawyer. Most of the signs are noticeable, and include emotional stress, physical injuries, and dullness. Whenever you notice the signs, it’s important to investigate further to determine whether they are connected or have to do with elder abuse. Furthermore, knowing the signs of elder abuse makes you able to shut out when you see or feel any sign, therefore making whoever is causing the abuse afraid and stopping them from abusing you. Assuming the signs can be dangerous because it exposes a senior citizen into danger, or lets them suffer silently, thus shortening their years.
- Be Skeptical
It is difficult to handle everything attentively, but it is a critical habit for older individuals. It is sad how individuals can be abusive, extraordinarily manipulative, and sneaky. As an elder individual, it is advisable that before accepting anyone’s request and granting them access to your money or any health issue, consider that the state can be doubtful. In addition to that, if you are taking care of any elder one, you should be very careful with whoever you leave the elder one under in case you need some help shortly.
Notably, the elderly should be aware that many scammers target individuals that are old. This is because they believe the elderly are unlikely to notice the scam. According to California Law, California Welfare and Institutions Code section 15600 protects elders (anyone 65 years of age or older) and dependent adults from many types of physical abuse and neglect.
Therefore, as an elder, be careful and cautious whenever someone tries offering you investment advice, money, or any grant prize. If anyone calls you or the older ones you care about asking for security numbers or bank information, it is advisable to keep them private. Moreover, one should be careful when handling sensitive paperwork, whether for the elderly or anyone else. Keeping essential documents in a safe place where no one can temper them is advisable.
- Maintain the social network that you have.
From the previous cases that have been reported, elder abuse is mainly conducted through manipulating the close friends as well as the family of the elder ones. Typically, a caregiver should not stay for too long without seeing the elderly. Therefore, if your caregiver takes too long to attend to you, you should seek help, avoiding any Elder abuse claim.
Typically, the close ones and the family members are the ones that an elder one is supposed to be close to. Talking to them and seeking any help you need from them is safer and more accessible. Therefore, maintaining your social network is vital.
Generally, elder abuse is an extensive spread and overwhelming challenge. Therefore, taking care of yourself, your loved ones and the elderly is essential. Protecting yourself now will make your later years easy, and you will not have to file any Elder abuse cases.

Informed Legal Help Can Protect Your Elderly Loved One
Protecting yourself and your loved one from abuse can be a daunting affair. However, you must strive to make it happen by ensuring that the culprits are accountable for their wrong deeds and consider seeking lasting remedies. However, the California Elder Abuse Law can be sophisticated for you to handle independently, especially if you have not specialized in legal affairs. In these circumstances, you are advised to consult an experienced attorney or law firm like Stalwart Law Group. A legal practitioner can reveal whether you or your loved one has a case and guide or advice on proving the case in California. Other legal advice a lawyer can offer includes guiding you through the complicated litigation process and what to do to unravel the complexities. Ultimately, they can help you understand your best legal options so that you can protect your loved one and hold abusive and neglectful individuals accountable.
* The articles provided on the Stalwart Law website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be used as professional legal advice or as a substitute for legal consultation with a qualified attorney.
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